

The Fifteen Stones Necklace

Aluap was a very beautiful young woman soon to marry.
As a precious gift, she received a necklace with fifteen stones from the village's oldest woman.
The elder spoke very sweetly to each particular stone and told her:

That if she turned the stones into virtues, her life would be as closest to happiness that can be, that her beautiful heart was going to fill up with light the life of the people around her.
Last but not least that the necklace stones will remind her that is not running from obstacles that we grow, it is changing them into opportunities to advance

dario tel : cel 15-53481484 Bs.As. Argentina

Aluap era una bella jovencita muy próxima a contraer matrimonio. Como obsequio precioso, recibe de la mujer más anciana de la aldea, un collar con quince piedras.La anciana le habló muy dulcemente de cada piedra en particular y le dijo que si convertía las piedras en virtudes, su vida sería lo más cercano a la felicidad; que la belleza de su corazón llenaría de luz a los que estuvieran a su alrededor.Las piedras del collar le recordarían que, no es corriendo de los obstáculos como se crece, sino convirtiéndolos en oportunidades para avanzar...